Monday, July 30, 2007

"upon reflection, a wave of rage came over me"

It's great when one's work carries emotional resonance over time. A Rian Malan profile, which was published by the now defunct Living Africa Magazine sometime in the last millenium, elicited rage from a person calling themselves Annesu in a post on LitNet.

"The part that incenses me, is where James Whyle says the “kids”, of all people, should be reading Malan's eloquent testimonies of South Africans undoing one another.."

I said, scholars, Annesu. I said the book should be on the syllabus. And I'd be careful of Huck Finn, if I were you. Those be deep waters. You won't want your offspring thinking too much about your American neighbours. Best stick with Thomas the Tank Engine.

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